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The Sermon on the Mount: Radical Living Matthew 5-7


10 June 2018: Glenn Lyons Mathew 7v 13-29 Two ways

3 June 2018: Kyle Barrow Mathew 7v7-12 Pursuing righteouness through prayer (text)

27 May 2018: Solanga Mkiva Mathew 7v1-6 Do not judge  

6 May 2018: Kyle Barrow Mathew 6v25-33 Dont Worry (text)

22 April 2018: Kyle Barrow Matthew 6v19-24 Money (text)

15 April 2018: Kyle Barrow Matthew 6:9-15  The Lord's Prayer (text)

18 March 2018: Kyle Barrow Mathew 5v43-48 Love your enemies (text)

11 March 2018: Kyle Barrow Mathew 5v38-42 Responding to evil (text)

25 February 2018: Kyle Barrow Mathew 5v33-37 Truthfulness (text)

18 February 2018: Kyle Barrow Mathew 5v27-31 "Adultery" (text)

11 February 2018: Solanga Mkiva Mathew 5v21-26 "You are a murderer" 

4 February 2018: Kyle Barrow Mathew 5v17-20 "The Old Testament for us today" (text)

28 January 2018: Kyle Barrow Mathew 5v13-16 "Are you prepared to stand out" (text)

21 January 2018: Kyle Barrow Matthew 5v1-12 "The blessings of the kingdom" (text)


The King Who Suffers

7 January 2018: Solanga Mkiva Mark 8v31-38 "Daily Dying"



9 September 2018:  Sean de Kock Luke 16 v19-31 The rich man and Lazarus


Knowing with certainty


25 December 2018: Kyle Barrow Luke 1:26-38 Son of Mary, Son of God (text)

23 December 2018: Kyle Barrow Luke 1:5-25 Moves of the Master (text)

16 December 2018: Kyle Barrow Luke 1v1-4 Know with certainty (text)


5 August 2018: Mike Romans 10v9-15

1 Corinthians

30 December 2018: Bongo Mkiva 1 Corinthians 14:1-5 "The measure of your giftedness"

4 November 2018: Kyle Barrow 1 Corinthians 1v18-2v5 "20 years of boasting in the Lord"

20 May 2018: Kyle Barrow 1 Corinthians 12v1-13 Clearing spiritual confusion


13 May 2018: Kyle Barrow 1 Corinthians 15v35-57 Anne Ferreira 



11 November 2018: Solanga Mkiva Colossians 2v6-23 You are not a 2nd class Christian


1 Thessalonians

Living with hope

21 October 2018: Kyle Barrow 1 Thessalonians5v12-28 Becoming holy for the day of Christ

7 October 2018: Kyle Barrow 1 Thessalonians 4v 13-18 Hope in the face of death

30 September 2018: Kyle Barrow  1 Thessalonians 4v1-12 Pleasing God more and more (text)

16 September 2018: Kyle Barrow 1 Thessalonians 2v17-3v19 Living with hope means longing for others (text)

3 September 2018: Kyle Barrow 1 Thessalonians 2v1-16 integrity of the gospel messenger (text only)


26 August 2018: Kyle Barrow 1 Thessalonians 1v1-10 A model conversion (text)


19 August 2018: Kyle Barrow 1 Thessalonians introduction Living with hope (text only)

23 September 2018: Keith McPherson Ephesians 3v14-21 Prayer


20 November 2018: Memorial Service for Rosetta McCullough Hebrews 11v21

1 Peter


28 October 2018: Solanga Mkiva  1 Peter 2 v10-25 Goodness in the public square


15 July 2018: Glen Lyons 1 Peter4v7-11 Living in the light of the end

1 John

False vs True Christianity


12 August 2018: Solanga Mkiva 1 John 5v1-21 Accept the testimony of God

29 July 2018: Solanga Mkiva 1 John4 v1-21 Listening & the logic of love

22 July 2018: Solanga Mkiva 1 John3v11-24 Christian Assurance

08 July 2018: Solanga Mkiva 1 John 3v1-18 The glory of the children of God

01 July 2018: Solanga Mkiva 1 John 2v18-27 You are anointed

24 June 2018: Solanga Mkiva 1 John 1v6-2v17 Light begets light

17 June 2018: Solanga Mkiva 1 John 1-4 False vs True Christians




26 October 2018: Memorial Service for Kobus Kotze Isaiah 40v6-8


The day of the Lord


9 December 2018: Kyle Barrow: Zephaniah 3v9-20 Shame removed on the day of the Lord (text)

2 December 2018: Kyle Barrow: Zephaniah 2v4-3v8 Judgment on the nations (text)

25 November 2018: Kyle Barrow: Zephaniah 1v1-2v3 Judgment on Judah (text only)


14 January 2018: Solanga Mkiva Various passages "How can a good God allow suffering"

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